Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The third song i like!!!

I like this song.I took this song from You Tube too.

The song i like too!!!

I like this song because it very nice to listen .I took this song from You Tube.

The song i like best.

I like this song because it is intersting.I take this song from You Tube.

Am i happy or not?

Today i am very happy!!!I am happy because today nobody scold me!!!Today i am happy because i ate a cake which my aunt mother's sister brought!!!HE HE!!!~!!!!~

The thing i like the best in 4 charity!!!

The thing i like to do in 4 charity is playing with Macbook!The class is very funny.I like 4charity a lot!The class is very fun,when my teacher Miss Teo say something funny we will laugh!

My best friends in 4 charity!!!

Pei wen and Celine is my best friends!!!They are very good to me.They are very helpful to me!Ihope that Pei wen, Celine and me can be in the same class next year!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008